
Showing posts from April, 2019

Ideas, Where Do Writers Find Them?

  Story Steps One For those of you toying with the idea of writing, I thought I’d share some of the steps I take before and during the time I’m writing a story. I had a page titled Story Steps on an earlier version of my website, but dropped it when I started blogging. This will be the new improved and expanded version of Story Steps that I hope will provide you with some ideas to use when you write. A popular question writers field from non writers is “Where do you get your ideas?” If you’re like me, your world is bursting with ideas. An overheard comment by a stranger, something you see during the drive to work, an article in the newspaper, an snippet of historical fact from a book, a family crisis. Bam! You have the germ of an idea? Notice I used the word germ. According to the New Oxford American Dictionary , germ is an initial stage from which something may develop, i.e. the germ of a brilliant idea. Basically, we’re looking at a starting poi...