Yet More Theme
Story Steps Three As I was thinking about this next blog in my theme sequence, I realized I should probably define what theme is for the purposes of these blogs. First, let’s look at what it’s not. It’s not the premise, it’s not the plot, and it’s not a situation. The theme pervades the story, it is the foundation upon which the other components of a story rest. It’s what the reader takes away from the story at the end. Thus, it is often called “the take away” or “lesson learned.” It’s the message you’re trying to share with the reader. It’s your chance to express your opinions or core ideas on the meaning of life. If you look at it that way, you can see why theme is an important tool in your writing toolbox. Theme can often be boiled down to one word such as: revenge redemption truth honesty courage fear worthiness forgiveness acceptance commitment betrayal rebellion ...