Storyboarding: A Useful Writing Management Tool
Story Steps 10 Suppose you decided to use my Story Steps to get started on your latest project. Let’s recap them: the idea for a story a theme or message you want the reader to take away compelling characters a working title the essential story ingredients of a story–protagonist, antagonist, situation, motivation, goal, and conflict appropriate character names writing a narrative synopsis Today, we’re going to look at storyboarding, a technique that helps with the actual writing of your book. For starters, let’s look at the definition: Storyboarding is a sequence of pictures created to communicate a desired general visual appearance. Although storyboarding has been traditionally associated with cinema, its beginnings can be traced back to Leonardo da Vinci, who put his ideas on a wall and examined the layout prior to producing the final painting. (She Sat, He Stood: What Do Your Characters Do While They Talk?) Populari...