Rejuvenating Ginger

Welcome to the latest rendition of my blog. It started out several years ago as a tie-in to my website and promotion for my fiction writing. I didn’t even visit it very often. You know how it is, good intentions and all. Imagine my surprise when I realized people were visiting here! (According to the Google stats.) 

I’m not sure how or why people end up here, but it's nice to know you are. That knowledge convinced me to update the blog. I’m still a little hazy on the exact mission of this blog, but  as I mentioned last year, I decided to dive into self-publishing. 

Hmmm, more like get my toes wet gradually since it’s taking me so long!!

Anyway, for now I'm going to use self-publishing as my focus for this blog. I hope the journey, however long it lasts, proves enlightening for readers.

When I obtained the rights to my first two historical romances about two years ago, my plan was to put them into ebooks. I still plan to do that, but I decided to publish some shorter work first. To get the land of the land, so to speak, because this self-publishing business is complex. Especially when you do it all yourself.

Well, not all. My cover was created by a professional and someone proofreads my writing, but I’m doing most of it myself. I set up a micro publishing company (Saderra Publishing), I ran my first manuscript through rigorous steps to create a clean copy for the ebook format, read miles of contracts, set up accounts with various distributors, established a financial network, and bought a batch of ISBNs.

Whew! I get exhausted just reading what I’ve done so far.

A Dash of Ginger, Sassy Southern Essays, a selection of humorous essays I wrote for a local newspaper, will be my first ebook. Don’t you just love the cover?

I’m aiming for soon on the actual publication!


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