Characters and Situational Awareness
I was listening to National Public Radio (NPR) one day when a man began recounting an incident in his life that led to a group of teens beating him up. I didn’t listen to the complete story because I couldn’t get past the beginning. Here’s how he set it up: It was midnight. It was Brooklyn, NY He was walking home alone. He was talking on the phone with his friend. He was wearing earbuds. He was in a deserted industrial area. There were so many things wrong with this story. Rather than think, poor guy, he got beat up. I thought what were you thinking? Of course, you got beat up. Let’s step back from his story for a moment . I worked on ten Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) handbooks–writing, editing, and proofreading chapters. One topic the FAA hit again and again was situational awareness. What is situational awareness, you ask? Pretty much what you think it is: being aware of the situation around you. Being aware of what is happening...